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Singleplayer mission packs for game Return to Castle Wolfenstein.

Devil's Manor


Far hear the roar of war is almost over. You have come to the old mansion to visit your friend. The last cell of nazis hiding in this house. For the jewelery they raider tomb in the old cemetery. But something strange happens. The angry spirit of the deceased, tries to turn his head. While no one has turn it all cursed, their came suffering and death.


To play it you need the original. Installation instructions inside the archive.

Devil's Manor 2: Edge of Darkness


It would seem - the usual trip: just deliver supplies, turned into something terrible. So what really happened? Questions, the answers to which it is better not to know...


To play it you do not need the original. It is a fully independent version.



Intelligence Agency has learned that the nazi Germans developing based on new air apparatus "Helicopter" combat prototypes, which can destroy armored vehicles and infantry. Are you an agent resistance which had the task to destroy important person of the Third Reich. Now your mission is even more difficult and more important to find real evidence and documentation of the project before military prototypes apply in practice.


To play it you do not need the original. It is a fully independent version.

Dark Matter's


Your target: find and rescue the captive agent, and if there is no chance to save - to eliminate in order to avoid information leaks. According to the intelligence of his holding in the chamber beneath the cathedral, located in a small village in the mountains. For better operation sent two agents: one that used to hold outfit and you to do the job and not get caught on the road to the village. You have no right to make mistakes, people's lives depend on you.


This story reveals the secret of the emergence of super soldier.


Important: for correct work the original game need to be patched at least version 1.32


This version requires a dependent of the original. Instructions for installation inside the archive.

Vendetta 2 

Research by German scientists and archaeologists leads to unexpected and dangerous discoveries. As a resistance fighter in the rear, you are tasked with scouting the enemy's activity and eliminating the hanging threat.

Important thing: to play Vendetta 2 you must have installed latest version of Vendetta 1

Vendetta 3 

You will find out about the way of the heroine you know, which led her to the path of a warrior, on the verge of immersion into the darkest and most terrible years of Europe. When two maniacs wanted to divide and rule the whole world, drowning it in blood. And the struggle against the occupation, for which the period of the Second World War is only a small moment in the three-hundred-year struggle.

Remark: required RealRtCW 4.0 to play

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